LAFCo has received a proposal submitted by resolution of application from the Rio Dell Fire Protection District (FPD) for annexation of approximately 11,498 acres (608 parcels) of developed and undeveloped rural residential and resource lands located outside the boundaries that is currently served by volunteer fire companies. The Rio Dell FPD proposes to consolidate fire protection service operations and administration with the Scotia, Redcrest and Shively Volunteer Fire Companies, and annex the service areas of those volunteer fire companies into the boundaries of the Rio Dell FPD. This action would also necessitate the divestiture of power to provide fire protection services by Scotia Community Services District (CSD).
Protest Hearing:
Rio Dell Protest Hearing Agenda
The Commission held a public hearing and approved the proposed annexation on May 20, 2020, as set forth in LAFCo Resolution No. 20-02, which sets forth a full and complete description and the terms and conditions of the Commission’s approval. As the Commission previously received written objection to the annexation, a protest hearing will take place.
A public hearing will take place on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom video conference. The hearing will be conducted by the Commission’s Executive Officer who has been delegated the authority to conduct this public hearing. Anyone who wishes to participate in the meeting should consult the meeting agenda for the Zoom call-in telephone number. The agenda will be posted on the Commission’s website at least 72 hours before the scheduled start time of the meeting.
The purpose of the hearing is for LAFCo to receive written protests from affected landowners and registered voters within the approved Rio Dell Annexation Area. Pursuant to State law, an election would be called if 25-50% of registered voters protest or 25% or more of landowners protest. The 25% threshold for landowner protest refers to both the number of owners and the assessed value of land. Furthermore, the annexation would be terminated if 50% or more of registered voters protest in accordance with this notice.
To be considered valid, protests must be written and filed by either a landowner or a registered voter within the annexation area. The protest must be signed and dated, must state whether it is made by a landowner or a registered voter or both, and must include the name and address of the protestor. An Assessor’s Parcel Number identifying the location of the land is acceptable for a landowner. A registered voter’s protest must show the name and address appearing on the affidavit of registration. Written protest forms are available below. Use of the form is encouraged, but not required. Protests may either be mailed to Humboldt LAFCo at 1125 16th Street, Suite 202, Arcata, CA 95521 or emailed to the LAFCo Executive Officer (colettem @ before the protest hearing.
Only written protests that are received prior to the end of the hearing on July 1, 2020 will be accepted as timely.
Public Hearing:
Important Documents
- Application Form
- Plan for Services
- Resolution of Application
- Proposed FPD Boundary Figure
- Regional Eel River Valley Municipal Service Review 2016
- 1st Public Hearing Notice to Landowners and Registered Voters (2-21-20)
- 2nd Public Hearing Notice to Landowners and Registered Voters (4-27-20)
Reasons for Proposal
According to the application, the reasons for the proposed annexation are as follows:
- The Rio Dell FPD has provided fire protection services to its out-of-district response area and the Scotia, Redcrest, and Shively Volunteer Fire Companies have provided service to their communities for many years.
- The proposed annexation would extend the Rio Dell FPD’s current property tax allocation and special assessment revenue sources to the expanded district boundary and consolidate fire protection service operations and administration with the Scotia, Redcrest, and Shively Volunteer Fire Companies, providing regular and ongoing revenue sources to these communities to sustain local fire protection services within each community and to also retain the important local identity of each community’s fire department.
- The proposed annexation would officially merge the operations of the four fire departments into one efficient, effective, and sustainable emergency services system and make possible a proactive, sustainable solution for future fire and emergency service needs for the area by creating a regional district with an improved economy of scale and associated benefits.
- The proposed annexation would establish district boundaries that clearly define service responsibilities for the benefit of neighboring fire service providers, land use authorizes, the public, and other service providers.
Description of Annexation Areas:
Annexation Area 1 (Rio Dell Response Area): The Rio Dell Response Area includes land to the west of the existing district boundary along Blue Slide Road, up to the end of Howe Creek Road and up Price Creek Road. This area is sparsely developed with rural residences and farm dwellings. There are approximately 41 parcels developed with rural residences and an extensive ranch area. The entire area is proposed to be included in the annexation area because the fire department must pass through the ranch and timberlands to reach all of the rural residences.
Annexation Area 2 (Town of Scotia): The Town of Scotia is approximately 284 acres in area and contains the largest functioning lumber mill in the County; approximately 280 residences; a small shopping center with a grocery store and hardware store as well as other businesses; a hotel; a former mill that is now a multi-tenant industrial park; a school; and miscellaneous public and commercial buildings.
Annexation Area 3 (Scotia Response Area): The Scotia Response Area includes the Stafford community and extends approximately 6.5 miles along Shively Road east of U.S. 101 and south along U.S. 101 to the Jordan Creek exit. There is one home within the Shively Road portion of the response area and the remainder of this area is comprised of forest land. There are approximately 43 homes in the community of Stafford and the Eurekas Redwood Christian Center resort property in Stafford.
Annexation Area 4 (Redcrest Response Area): The Redcrest response zone has approximately 100 residential structures located within the three community areas: Pepperwood, Holmes Flat, and Redcrest. In addition, this area has the former Eel Rivers Sawmill property in Redcrest which is now a multi-tenant industrial park, the Redcrest Resort, U.S. Post Office, and other miscellaneous commercial operations. This area also includes a significant amount of Humboldt Redwoods State Park land.
Annexation Area 5 (Shively Response Area): The Shively Response Zone is comprised of the Shively community and the Larabee area. There are a total of approximately 67 rural residences in this area as well as extensive agricultural and timber land.
Funding Sources
The Rio Dell FPD is principally funded by property taxes (34% of total revenue), parcel-based assessments (64% of total revenue), and funding from a few other miscellaneous sources (2% of total revenue). The District generates approximately $76,800 per year from its percentage (0.04%) of the 1 percent ad valorem property tax revenue. Annual revenue from the District’s benefit assessment is approximately $144,000. The benefit assessment was approved in 2014 and is applied at a rate of $25 per “unit of benefit” on a use-of-property basis, as summarized below:
Property Type |
Unit of Benefit |
2014 Assessment |
Vacant/Unimproved Lot |
1 |
$25 |
Single Family Residence |
4 |
$100 |
Rural Residence |
6 |
$125 |
Garage Lot (Scotia) |
6 |
$150 |
Multi-Family Residence 2-4 units |
8 |
$200 |
Multi-Family Residence 5-9 units |
10 |
$250 |
Multi-Family Residence 10+ units |
12 |
$300 |
Commercial |
12 |
$300 |
Industrial |
20 |
$500 |
Mobile Home (in a park) |
3 |
$75 |
Upon annexation, the District would receive approximately $65,375 per year in special assessment revenue from properties within the annexation areas. In addition, it is estimated the District would generate approximately $32,423 per year in property tax revenue corresponding with tax exchange agreement offer number 1 authorized by the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors on April 9, 2019. Collectively, the additional property tax allocation and special assessment revenue sources would provide regular and ongoing revenue sources to sustain local fire protection services within each community and to also retain the important local identity of each community’s fire department. As proposed, the annexation would officially merge the operations of the four fire departments into one regional district, with an improved economy of scale and associated benefits to the following communities: the Town of Scotia; Stafford; Shively; Redcrest; Larabee; Pepperwood; Holmes Flat; and Price Creek/Howe Creek.
Please direct comments, questions, and requests to review documents to Humboldt LAFCo, 1125 16th Street, Suite 202, Arcata, California 95521. For further information, please contact the LAFCo office at (707) 445-7508.