Changes of Organization or Reorganization

LAFCo is responsible for approving all proposed changes of organization involving cities and special districts in Humboldt County. LAFCo may approve or disapprove proposed changes of organization with or without amendments consistent with its written policies and procedures. LAFCo may also condition its approval as long as it does not directly regulate land use, property development, or subdivision requirements.  Changes of organization include all of the following:

  • Annexations (Cities and Districts)
  • Detachments (Cities and Districts)
  • Consolidations (Cities and Districts)
  • Incorporations and Dissolutions (Cities)
  • Formations, Dissolutions, Mergers (Districts)
  • Activation of Latent Powers/Elimination of Existing Powers (Districts)

An applicant proposing a change of organization may be a property owner, registered voter, or local agency. LAFCo may also serve as the applicant for certain actions involving special districts.  Two or more changes of organization included in a single proposal are referred to as reorganizations.  Documents required to file a change of organization within each of these three categories are listed below.

Property Owner or Registered Voter
Signed Petition
Completed Application
Map and Geographic Description
Application Fee

Local Agency
Adopted Resolution of Application
Plan for Services
Completed Application
Map and Geographic Description
Application Fee

Additionally, all changes of organization or reorganization are considered “projects” and subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  Please consult with staff prior to submitting a proposed change of organization or reorganization to discuss the application of CEQA.

Application Form
Process Information
Environmental Review
Fee Schedule
Agreement to Pay and Indemnification